
DR13:18 is simply me. Damien.

As I often say, I am a creative, and I love making things. It's gratifying to have an avenue to channel my creativity. My original career was onstage as a dancer. Without delving into a complete biography of my life, I transitioned from onstage to backstage as a dresser.

The perfectionist in me always strives to excel at whatever I do, so I taught myself patterndrafting and sewing. It took me a good couple of years, navigating through Imposter Syndrome, to confidently label myself as a costumer, designer, and maker. Beginning with a blank piece of paper, a ruler, and pen, finishing with a 2.4m wide ballgown or a leather corset, the process brings me immense fulfillment and satisfaction, affirming that I'm on the right path.

Now that we've established what I do and vaguely touched on where I've been, let's focus on the present—the now.

When COVID hit and shut down my entire industry, it felt like a forced mid-life crisis. At 42, stuck on a ship in the Bahamas (not as glamorous as it sounds), I wondered if I would make it back to Australia. Fortunately, I caught the last flight back to Sydney, moved in with my parents, and took the opportunity to reevaluate what I wanted from my life and career.

I wanted to create costumes instead of just dressing performers. Day work appealed to me more than night work. I longed to join the general public and have a social life. And I aspired to be a part of the leather community. I wanted to be a Leatherman.

This past year has taken a direction I couldn't have planned if I tried. I had the opportunity to be a cutter on a Mardi Gras float, which led to Dancing with the Stars—something I never thought I was capable of. Being thrown in the deep end, I had to either sink or swim, and I swam. I also became a Leatherman, crafting my own gear and discovering the unique qualities of leather. There's a thrill in working with leather—the smell, the texture, its ability to stretch, and the history reflected in the scars and holes. It became a medium I wanted to explore further, steeped in tradition within my community.

Unfortunately, my Great Auntie passed away at 103. Fortunately, I received some inheritance from the sale of her house. I invested that money, moved all five of my industrial sewing machines out of my lounge room, and into my own studio space. It was truly life-changing. I now have 8.

The original intention for this website was to sell leather gear as a means of income between my full-time work in TV, film, and theatre, keeping my leatherwork and costume work separate. But I asked myself, why? Am I ashamed to show this aspect of my life and community? The answer is no. I want to showcase the full spectrum of my creativity—leather, sequins, corsetry, fetish, and fashion.

This is the beginning, DR13:18, much like the start of all this. Who knows where this will end up. For now, my "shop" is starting with some classic belts, but it will expand to corsets, caps, harnesses, jeans, and more. I might even surprise you and include some swimwear because it's fun. I hope you enjoy as I update my gallery section with various jobs and commissions.

I believe that's enough for 'About Me.'

In addition to the exciting journey outlined above, I'd like to mention a crucial aspect that might have been missed. Amidst the challenges and unexpected turns, one constant thread in my story is the incredible support I've received from friends, family, and the artistic communities I've been a part of. The encouragement and shared passion have been instrumental in shaping my path and allowing me to explore new territories.

I am grateful for the collaborations, the friendships formed, and the invaluable lessons learned along the way. This journey is not just about personal growth and creative expression but is also a testament to the strength of community and the power of artistic connections.

As I continue to navigate the ever-evolving chapters of my life, I look forward to sharing more of these experiences, both the triumphs and the challenges, with all those who have been a part of this remarkable voyage.

Cheers, Damien